Sunday, 8 May 2011

Things I've learned recently.

Watching horror movies at night is not a good idea no matter how brave you think you are.

It’s okay to not tip if you don't have a real job. 

It’s also okay to tip 20$ if the waiter is cute.

If you love something you see (example: shoes), just buy it. You may not get sleep otherwise. Or your size the next day.

People don't surprise me enough and that is kind of frustrating!

Everyone loves honest people but not honest opinions. Like, deal with it people!

People with an iPhone think they're all that and they're definitely not because most of the times spell-check completely ruins their emails/text, in a rather funny way. Also, heard of a Blackberry dude?

There's no such thing as too much green tea.

A random compliment from a hot stranger can totally make your day.

If you’re feeling too bad about yourself for quite some time now, life will balance that out for you, like when the pharmacist at the doctor says "you have amazing skin, i can't get over it". Maybe the healthy diet is working.

You can't have two awesome days in a row.

If people truly love you, value it don't abuse it. Otherwise, it’s really going to be just your loss.

Sometimes your effort won't show good results. Keep trying harder. Well, because you have no other option.

Shoes are an investment. Don't believe what people say.

Learn to be a saver and live on a budget.

If you're no longer a teen, it is time to GROW UP. You don't need negativity, hate or unwanted drama from people. Cut them off. 

Believe in second chances. Not third, fourth, fifth.......millionth.

There's a thin line between being too nice and letting people walk all over you. 

I can live without McDonald's. Somewhere, my high waisted shorts are really happy.

I will always be a sucker for romance. Old school romance.

I can watch The Hangover three times, back-to-back. Bradley Cooper is not the only reason.

Crazy people may judge you for having too many shoes. Umm, who are you?

Don't see the good in everybody. There are evil people out there. 

It’s very hard to get along with people who don't like Julia Roberts or her movies.

I like people who read up on my sun sign to deal with me better. I feel special.

I may or may not be a floral clothing hoarder.

I love reading about romantic proposal stories. And yes, it gives me high expectations which will have to be met.

I'm very good at making people feel special. 

Dressing up wakes me up more than any coffee can.

I can also live without coffee. HUGE achievement.

I finally accepted I don't have dark circles.

I'm very happy with the person I am and I realize everyday is a learning process. But, i can go to bed peacefully, which according to me is the most important thing.

You cannot put the blame on me. Sorry.




  1. +1 About the iphone dictionary. It tends to cause a lot of faceplams.

  2. Hahaha, this made me laugh !!
    & i do agree with the hangover part and alot more ;)

  3. I so don't believing in tipping :D #sadistspeaks
