Friday 6 May 2011

NO Man.

I've finally learnt how to say NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Even to yummy, unhealthy food and to unhealthy(?) evil people lol.) Cant believe how many times I said no to coffee, pizza and Chinese food this week! I'm so proud of myself. I mean, I did have Spaghetti and ice-cream but also had large portion of greens and fruits so that kinda makes up for it. (Not trying to lose weight, trying to be healthy.) Also, blocked out every kind of negative energy I could from my life. Who needs that crap? Taking things as they come, sometimes they don't go your way, but I'm so glad I don't give up and keep trying..well until, I DO have to give up! That's a good thing, I guess? You have to try to achieve what you want, so that you don't look back in regret. I think when I look back, blocking out a few things, the view will be pretty good. Life is too short, make it count, live healthy, love unconditionally, give generously and expect miracles, because you ARE worth it! Good positive influence in my life, thoughts and actions. 
Out with the old, in with the new!
Go hard or go home!!!