Friday 20 May 2011

“All we are saying is give peace a chance.” - John Lennon.

Its May 21, 2011 in my part of the world..and everyone I know is alive LOL!!! The World isn't "over", nor is the "human species". Be grateful, guys! Its a new day on Earth! A new day to grow, change, evolve and LIVE. So, be happy with the people who make you happy. Do something today you never did before. And, always know, we have today, but no one is promised tomorrow. Don't frown. Smile..Someone out there is falling in love with it! We are MEANT to have an amazing life! 

5 good things to do this weekend.
- Give a stranger a compliment or at least a smile. 
- Tell someone you love them, doesn't matter if they say it back. It could even be your dog, family, friends or a lover :)
- Spend "me time" and LOVE yourself before you give love to others.
- Make a playlist of old school songs.
- Do one good thing for our planet.

And, while you're at it, don't forget to say & think positive thoughts, you're shaping your own life while doing so.


  1. Such a great quote! I just feel like not enough attention is paid to places or people that need our help the most! xoxooo
