Wednesday 20 April 2011

Gossip Girl is back!!!!!

Season 4 Episode 18: "The kids stay in the picture"


I need to dedicate a post to obsess over the new episode of GOSSIP GIRL.

Just like every other Gossip Girl fan, I have been waiting for SIX LONG weeks for it to return! I couldn't watch the episode on the same day it aired because of stupid exams but I did catch it today and OMG - it was SO worth the wait!!!!!
On the eve of the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, they had this whole princess-kisses-labrador(yes, not a frog!) thing going on..Those who saw it know what happened so I wont talk about the episode anymore..except, Blair's character is getting more and more like Audrey Hepburn's character in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" with every new episode and I, for one, LOVE it! 

She is a single girl with a lot of suitors, but needs to choose the right prince! Her ex boyfriend, Chuck, who never changed, wants her back. Dan a.k.a Lonely boy seems to have fallen for her. And, the closing scene of the episode shows Prince Louis holding a pair of Blair's shoe... like OMG, girlfriend's gotta choose! Its so true to life. I hope she eventually goes to Dan because their worlds are so different and I wanna see how that works. I loved Chuck and Blair, a part of me still does, but he's never gonna change and she deserves much better.

Anyway, enough of obsessing. This post has turned out to be way too long! Ending this post with some of my favorite quotes from this episode.

Dan: I just wanted to make sure you knew that kiss meant nothing to me.
Blair: Oh. Right.
Dan: Social experiment gone wrong.
Blair: A princess kissing a labrador.
Dan: I appreciate you not calling me a toad.

Chuck: You don't have to be powerful on your own first. We can build our futures together.
Blair: The saddest part is that I'd come to the same conclusion. But now that I know I'm ready I realize you're not. I mean, after everything you went through—Prague, Eva, Russell—I thought that maybe you'd changed. Who was I kidding.
Chuck: Don't say that.
Blair: You have years before you're capable of a real relationship. If you ever will be. I'm sorry Chuck.

Blair: Well. I just did recently have a moment of perspective myself. But thankfully I didn't have to go to an ashram to have it.
Epperley: What happened?
Blair: I kissed someone. And it was truly a life-changing experience.
Epperley: Do tell.
Blair: I just did. That was it. But the point is, that one kiss changed me.

Gossip Girl: As with any journey, who you travel with can be more important than your destination
Blair: Why does love have to be so hard, Dorota? All I ever wanted was a simple fairy tale. Kate Middleton has it. And I have much shinier hair. Although she does have a better assortment of hats.
Dorota: Don't despair, Miss Blair. Destiny full of surprises

Gossip Girl: You never know who you'll encounter along the way. Who knows, maybe fairy tales come true after all. XOXO. —Gossip Girl.



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